‘Picayune’ is a competition submission that highlights the enormity of the issues of houselessness in Los Angeles
Rather than proposing a novel architecture in regards to a physically small intervention, Picayune redefines small-scale in relationship to a socio-cultural issue that architectural implementation has the capacity to offset. Small is an adjective that defines the size of its subject, yet in conjunction with the word scale, ideas of representation immediately present themselves. Scale, used colloquially, is interchangeable with the word ‘size,’ however in the world of architecture it sets up a comparison between the thing and the representation of the thing. Small-scale defines a physically small sample in relationship to the object that is being represented. To this end Picayune is a small scale representation of the most pervasive issue in Los Angeles; homelessness.
The US census estimates the Los Angeles homeless population to be around 60,000 individuals. In light of the nationwide housing crisis, it should be of the utmost importance for municipalities and developers to focus their residential project endeavors on those who cannot afford rent based on a median household income-a metric that disenfranchises half of the population it represents.
To provide housing for each homeless person in Los Angeles, an estimated 42 million square feet is required. This project is a small-scale representation of a complete affordable housing offset. At roughly 350,000 ft2, Picayune provides one-half of one-percent of the required housing for the homeless population of Los Angeles. With 355 affordable housing units incorporated into a concrete and steel structure, this monolith serves as a visual representation of the enormity of this socio-cultural issue.
Picayune was designed by Kevin Finch. Submitted to the 2019 Archhive Competition ‘What is Small Scale Architecture?’
Spatial diagram representing the enormity of the issue of houselessness in Los Angeles
Picayune leverages Giganticism to compare a small architectural provision in relation to the issue it begins to solve
Ground Floor Plan
Longitudinal Section