Subversion of Status-Quo
Kevin Finch Kevin Finch

Subversion of Status-Quo

To quote Aristotle, all art and literature are imitation. In the context of the creation of new art, all artists will draw upon his or her own personal experiences, education, and values; a lens.

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Exotic Species: Friend or Foe?
Kevin Finch Kevin Finch

Exotic Species: Friend or Foe?

Throughout history, humans have introduces foreign species to ecosystems in the form of crops and domesticated pets. Now our modern view of what is "invasive" or not is based on what a certain species can do for us.

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Radical Re[wild]ing
Kevin Finch Kevin Finch

Radical Re[wild]ing

The Earth is a constantly changing, continuously evolving superstructure of hyper-complex systems and processes, yet who are we as humans to think we can make a difference?

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